Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Explore Myanmar's Culture and Nature Up Close With a Memorable Shan State Trek to Inle Lake

Yes, Myanmar does offer relentless adventure opportunities. The country has it all, rivers, lakes, varying landscapes and some of planet earth's friendliest people to greet you on your journey. This is truly the case with a trek from Kalaw to Inle Lake. Everything is your reward whether it'd be the land, the people or the journey itself. This soft adventure tour is a great way to truly discover what Myanmar is all about. Let's head up to the hills for the start of this engaging and revealing Burmese journey! You'll begin from Kalaw, a hill town in the Shan State of Myanmar surrounded by lush mountains and soothing greenery. A perfect point to being the hiking experience, don't you think? As you journey across, notice the how the scenery varies. You'll pass over peaks and down through valleys with stops at local villages as well. One of those is a home stay with the Pa-O people. Enjoy their hospitality. They sure are grateful to have you in as their guest. Wake up early and breathe it all in! Your Burmese adventure is just getting started. Before you leave, walk around the village and observe typical Pa-O farming life. Then resume your trek, making your way to Kon Hla village in time for lunch. This tour is already becoming a bargain! You have and will be eating a whole host of exotic foods. We should almost categorize this tour as a culinary one. After your meal, enjoy a short but certainly scenic afternoon walk to Htee Thein village. Enjoy the evening with the locals. Tell them about your journey, where you are from and the like. Show them pictures. They will also gladly exchange life stories with you. The trek continues on the third and final day. The trail is mostly downhill, easing you into your destination: Inle Lake. Stop for lunch at a stilted restaurant. Relax and enjoy the beauty of this massive and very important lake with a boat cruise to see the villages and tranquil pagodas set upon stilts over the water. Use this opportunity to reflect upon the Shan Trek you just encountered. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5719532

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