Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Traveling in Myanmar Is All About the Exotic

There are many images that come to mind when it comes to traveling in Myanmar. One of the most common images and places that come to mind is Mandalay, Yangon, and the Burma trail. All these points to a completely different place from a completely different world. There is just something exotic about Myanmar that really enchanted Brithis travelers that colonized the country in the 1800s. You can enjoy these charms too in the modern world. A Totally Different World What makes Myanmar different is the same thing that makes any other country different. Countries are like people, everybody has a different world view, history, background and perspective. The Myanmarese perspective has been shaped by its particular culture and history. These differences translate to different material and culture like architecture, the way people dress and folk ways like food. When you visit Myanmar, you can soak up the local culture, sights, scents and smells. Soaking it all in and experiencing what makes the country different is what makes your trip exotic. Developing countries all have different priorities and this needs to be respected. This is a key point to have in mind. A lot of westerns come to a developing country and they unfairly criticize or marginalize the culture by comparing it to where they come from. Myanmar has to really be experienced, respected and assessed based on your experiences there. You have to judge it based on its standard. You do a great deal of injustice by trying to expect it to be something that is not. A Totally Different History and Culture Thanks to its interesting location in Southeast Asia, Myanmar witnessed an interesting confluence of Indian and Chinese political power through the ages. Historically, Myanmar straddled the area just South of China and East of India. These two massive cultures have a lot of internal turmoil throughout history and also external projections. Myanmarese history is a very interesting witness to the flow of Chinese cultural and political influence in Southeast Asia. As a result, Myanmar's culture was galvanized by Theravada Buddhism. The refugees from China, as the ethnic Chinese were colonizing, flowed through Southeast Asia and many exited and populated Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Myanmarese culture is a melting pot of many different ethnic groups and tribes that were displaced by this historical flow. What all galvanized them into a pretty solid majority is Theravada Buddhism. This local mix of Buddhism and geopolitical factors have a distinctly Myanmarese effect compared to Buddhism's impact on other cultures in China. Celebrating the Exotic by Traveling in Myanmar Step out of the familiar by visiting Myanmar and witness a totally different culture and place. This place is amazing because you see a completely different culture. Whether you want to call it regional or local, it has its own flavor and distinct offerings. By exploring the exotic, we actually get in touch with what unites all of us. We can gain a sense of enrichment from these common bonds. Oftentimes, we only realize that we are all in one common person when we look at what separates us and that beneath exotic veneer, we have the same human heartbeat, blood and concerns. Recharge your mind by stepping out of your comfort zone and your own familiar world into an exotic adventure. Traveling in Myanmar can definitely be just what you need to recharge your creative and emotional batteries and also to reawaken your sense of possibility. There's nothing like going to an unfamiliar and exotic place to truly embark on a sense of discovery both of an exotic culture as well as yourself. Jayce found the amazing Southeast Asia on his travel map and really love his Myanmar tours experience. His trip on one of tour Myanmar was a blast. You can be the next to feel the same. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8011068

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